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Welcome to the Phased Array Antenna Research and Development Group (PAARD) webpage. PAARD's research specializes in active phased array antenna design and radar calibration. Our research group puts the emphasis on high performance antenna arrays for radar applications for microwave and mmWave. bands. Low-profile and low-cost active array antennas in brick and tile architectures using the latest technology in CMOS and GaN are under development for conventional and new radar architectures for multifunction radar systems. The PAARD is housed at the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC) and in the College of Electrical and Computer Engineering of The University of Oklahoma.


Research Interests
  • Conventional and hybrid array antenna archit. for active dual-polarized phased  array radars.

  • High-performance dual-polarized antenna elements.

  • Broadband antenna arrays.

  • Multiband & Reconfigurable arrays.

  • Artificial dielectric materials.

  • Radome design

  • Smart beam-forming antenna arrays

  • 5G massive mimo active arrays

  • Millimiter (30 GHz to 110 GHz) antennas.

  • Sub-terahertz (110 GHz to 500 GHz)

  • EM modeling and material characterization.

  • Radome design, modeling and testing.

  • NF active antenna array calibration.

  • Tile and brick Transmit and Receive (T/R) modules.

  • Low-cost and high-integration active antenna arrays.

  • Antenna measurements and radar calibration. Using both conventional and UAV based techniques.

  • Fully automated characterization of antenna arrays.

  • Ultra compact HF, LHF and UHF antennas

  • Material characterization (Free-space method , 10 GHz 110 GHz)

  • Customized measurement systems (NF-planar, Cylyndrical, Compact range, etc.)


Quote Background

As mist becomes fog, the mice begin to scurry towards the tall, yellowing grass just as denial seeps into humanity. As such, the most significant challenge usually comes from the individuals that form society themselves when they refuse to see that a problem exists in the first place. 


Andrea Salazar  (Jan. 1, 2018)

UPAO-OU Collaboration Meeting

Dr. Salazar had a meeting with Martin Cueva, Humberto Enriquez, Filiberto Azavache, Saul Linares, and Marco Trujillo to discuss potential research collaboration on a new topic and to plan the recruitment of graduate students for the 2024 Master's program.


Posted on Aug. 10, 2024 1:22pm CDT

APAR/NCAR NSF-Middle Scale Project Kickoff Meeting

Dr. Salazar with Stephen Fraiser (UMass), Pablo Kollias (BNL) and Eric Loew (NCAR) at the NCAR Lab.

Posted on June. 17, 2024 1:22pm CDT

Congrats to the new MS Alexis, Sergio, Felipe, Marcelo and Liz!

🎓💫 Congratulations to Alexis Oblitas, Sergio Rodriguez, Luis Felipe Moncada, Marcelo Moreno, and Elizabeth Joyce on their remarkable achievement of earning MS degrees in Electrical Engineering 🎉.Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and I couldn't be prouder of each one of you!... 🌟👏

Posted on May. 13, 2024 5:02pm CDT

Congrats to Alexis Oblitas

Big shoutout to Alexis Oblitas from ARRC at OU, who scooped up a fancy paper award at the IEEE Antenna Measurements Techniques (AMTA) symposium! Alexis snagged a stellar 3rd place for his brainy research paper titled “Enhancing On-Chip Antenna mmWave Calibration: A Hybrid Multi-Axis Scanner Enabling Near-Field and Far-Field Measurements for Over-the-Air Calibration”. Alexis is doing EM applied research at the PAARD research team at ARRC/OU. Way to go, Alexis!

Posted on Oct. 10, 2023 2:02 pm CDT


Congrats to Dr. Salazar 

Dr. Salazar has been chosen as the Technical Coordinator for 46th​ ​Annual​ ​Meeting​ ​and​ ​Symposium​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Antenna ​​Measurement​ ​Techniques Association (AMTA), and have also been elected to the AMTA Board of Directors! It's an honor to join forces with such a dedicated community. With AMTA's rich history of fostering advancements in electromagnetic measurement technologies alongside IEEE, I'm looking forward to contributing to this legacy and the upcoming AMTA 2024 Symposium. Thanks to all AMTA members who supported my candidacy 🎉 

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Posted on Oct. 10, 2023 2:02 pm CDT

Congrats to the new Drs. Segales, Ccoillo, and Jehangir and MS. Burdi

🎓💫 Congratulations to our brilliant new ARRC/PAARD doctors and master's graduates! 🎉 Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off, and we couldn't be prouder of your remarkable achievements. 🌟👏 You've conquered countless challenges and have emerged as shining stars in your respective fields. This milestone is just the beginning of an exciting journey ahead, where you'll make a profound impact on the world. 🌍✨ We wish you continued success and fulfillment in all your future endeavors


Posted on MAY. 13, 2023 10:02pm CDT

"Hasta la vista Johan" see you in Fall !!! 


Posted on March. 28, 2023 5:23 pm CDT

Welcome to Harrison Statham and Ryan Jones for joining PAARD team as new MS Grad. Students


Harrison Statham completed his B.S. in Electrical Engineering at The Georgia Institute of Technology in 2018. Since completing his undergraduate degree, Harrison has been employed by Keysight Technologies in Santa Rosa, California. While working for Keysight, Harrison has worked on next generation 5G mmWave transceiver systems and early 6G receivers and sources.


Ryan Jones completed his B.S. in Electrical Engineering at OU in 2006. Since then has been employed as a civilian by the United States Air Force at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma. While working for the Air Force, Ryan worked with automated testing for depot level avionics repair, developed software and analysis tools for an airborne AESA Radar System, and served as an Avionics Engineer in a system program office where he is currently the Avionics Integrity Program Technical Expert and an engineering team lead.

Posted on March. 03, 2023 9:45 pm CDT

Welcome to Johan Oblitas for joining as a new PAARD Intern 


Johan Oblitas was born in Lima, Peru in 2002. He is an undergraduate Systems Engineering student at the University of Lima where most of his activities and knowledge are related to web development; programming in languages such as Java, Python, Javascript and C++; database management; data analysis and process management. He is currently doing an internship at the Advanced Radar Research Center, where he is working for the Phased Array Antenna Research and Development Group (PAARD) in the area of applying electromagnetics and remote sensing.

Posted on March. 03, 2023 8:23 pm CDT

Congratulations to the two new Doctors.

There is nothing more satisfying for a professor than to see their students turn their dreams into reality. Please join me in congratulating Nim Ccoillo Ramos and Antonio (Tony) Segalés for their successful Ph.D. defense. Both of you did an amazing job. Congratulations Dr. Segalés and Dr. Ccoillo! I am very proud of both of you.


Posted on  Dec. 02, 2022  9:19 pm CDT

Congratulations Antonio and Nim for their Ph.D. dissertation defenses

Congratulations to Dr.  Salazar

Doctor Jorge Salazar honored by Universidad Antenor Orrego at November 25 2022

Jorge Salazar-Cerreño, Ph.D. was honored in Peru on Nov. 25 by the Universidad Antenor Orrego, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 1994, only this time he was presented the Doctor Honoris Causa. This honorary degree distinction is awarded to an individual who has made significant contributions to their field.

Posted on Nov. 25. 2022, 11:00 p.m. CDT


PAARD Team in February 2022

PAARD 2022

Congratulations to Jorge Salazar for the 2 important awards at OU

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Awarded with the 2022 Annual Award for excellence in Research Grants

Awarded with the 2022 Outstanding Faculty of the year

Posted on  Aug. 21 2022  12:30 am CDT

Welcome to Marcelo Moreno for joining as a new PAARD MS Grad. 


Marcelo F. Moreno Marin was born in La Paz, Bolivia in 1992. He received a B.S. degree in Electronics from the Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz in 2014, a Specialist degree in Embedded Systems from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 2017 and he is currently working towards his M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. During his life as an engineer, he worked in several sectors of the industry from his natal country developing different solutions for control and automation. He establishes his own company in 2020 doing work in the home automation area and designing custom electronic systems for companies abroad. He is currently a Graduate Research Assistant working on a project aimed at developing a system with new technologies, power-efficient and low-cost for variable speed signals on Oklahoma highways. His research interests include embedded systems, PCB design, and product design and manufacture.

Posted on Aug. 22 2022 5:45 pm CDT

Welcome to new PAARD MS Grad. Students

Sergio Rodriguez

Alexis Oblitas

Mariel Avalos

Elizabeth Joyce

Felipe Moncada

Khuda Burdi

Posted on  Aug. 21 2022  12:30 am CDT

Congratulations to Syed and Nim for their Conference Papers in 2022

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Posted on  Aug. 21 2022  08:30 am CDT

3 New PAR journals on the Bulletin of Atmospheric Science (BAMS)

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Posted on  Aug. 21 2022  08:30 am CDT


Palmer, R., et. al. (2022). A Primer on Phased Array Radar Technology for the Atmospheric Sciences, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (published online ahead of print 2022). Retrieved Aug 21, 2022. Link


Kollias, P., et al  (2022). Science Applications of Phased Array Radars, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (published online ahead of print 2021). Retrieved Aug 21, 2022. Link


Weber, M., et al. (2021). Towards the Next Generation Operational Meteorological Radar, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (published online ahead of print 2021). Retrieved Aug 21, 2022. Link

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Congratulations to Jorge Salazar and ARRC/PAARD team for the 3 new publications at IEEE 

First place at the

2021 IEEE Industrial Engineering Paper Award on Antenna Measurements and Applications

  Posted on  Nov. 29, 2021  5:45 am CDT

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Congratulations to Antonio Segales for a new Publication on the EGU Atmospheric Measurements Technique

                                                  Posted on  June 11, 2021  11:31 am CDT

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Welcome Antonio Segales and Jorge Alva in joining PAARD team


Tony, an expert in UAV platforms joined PAARD team to complete his doctoral degree in a research in 3D wind estimation method for UAS in conjunction with the CopterSonde wind vane algorithm for vertical weather profiling.


Jorge Alva, instructor at the Universidad Antenor Orrego (Peru), expert in embedded systems, is joining OU/PAARD team to persue his doctoral degree in ECE.

Congratulations to Nafati and PAARD team for a new Publication on the IEEE Open Access

                                                  Posted on  June 11, 2021  11:31 am CDT

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Congratulations to Nim Ccoillo and PAARD team for a new Publication on the Transaction on Antennas and Propagation (TAP)

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Posted on  June 11, 2021  11:31 am CDT

Welcome to Elizabeth Joyce and Khuda Burdi

                                                  Posted on  June 1, 2021  10:21 am CDT

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Elizabeth and Khuda joined to PAARD team for summer internship program. Both are working in microwave and mm-wave antenna metrology.

PAARD/ARRC team implemented a state-of-the-art mmWave/Sub-terahertz Lab. at OU. The new Lab. enables research up to 300 GHz, that includes: Material characterization, antenna S-parameters, Near-field and Far-field antenna test. 























Posted on  May 15, 2021  10:00 pm CDT


Congratulations to Nim Ccoillo and Syed Jehangir

Posted on  May 11, 2021  10:21 am CDT

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Gallogly College of Engineering, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive the William H. Barkow Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. This award of $3500 recognizes your outstanding academic achievements


Gallogly College of Engineering, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive the William H. Barkow Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. This award of $3500 recognizes your outstanding academic achievements

Congratulations to the new ARRC Ph.D. Students !!!


Congratulations to my PAARD Ph.D.'s !!!

My heartfelt congratulation to Dr. Jose, Dr. Arturo, DR. Rodrigo, Dr. Javier. I am so very proud of all your accomplishments and the obstacles you have faced to get there!!!


Posted on  May 15, 2021  10:00 pm CDT

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Congratulations to my PAARD  Ph.D.'s !!!

My heartfelt congratulation to Dr. Jose, Dr. Arturo, DR. Rodrigo, Dr. Javier. I am so very proud of all your accomplishments and the obstacles you have faced to get there!!!


Posted on  May 15, 2021  10:00 pm CDT


Congratulations to Kevin!!!


Congratulation Kevin, I am glad to see you and meet your beautiful family.

Posted on  May. 16, 2021  12:30 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Nafati Aboserwal !!!

​Recognition and Appreciation given by the IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society for exceptional performance as a reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.


Posted on  March. 1, 2021  9:00 am CDT


Alexis Oblitas a PAARD/ARRC/OU Intern during COVID crisis

Alexis Oblitas a PARRD/ARRC undergrad intern of the University of Oklahoma complete successfully a fully-automated RF scanner for active phased array antenna test and calibration.  Alexis a Peruvian student in Electrical Engineering from "La Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",  arrived at Norman Oklahoma, on Jan. 6th of  2020 to be an intern working under the supervision of Dr. Jorge Salazar in research related to phased array antenna technology.  Due to the COVID crisis, Alexis stays at OU for almost 12 months. During this time, Alexis did an extraordinary job integrating sensors with graphical interfaces. The video below corresponds to his last project performed from Sept.- Dec. 2020. He integrated and active phased array antenna, and developed and an RF scanner using a robotic arm and VNA to test and calibrate the active phased array antenna. Great job Alexis!


Posted on  Jan. 12, 2021  9:00 am CDT

2020 "the COVID year" was not easy at all. Our lab was closed for months, and working from home was challenging. Students kept working day and night to get work done and move on to the next steps of their careers. There is not more gratification for a professor than to see students finishing one of the biggest milestones in their lives. Five of my students graduated successfully this year. Congratulations!!! I'm very proud of all of you!!!


Posted on  Dec. 09, 2020  9:12 pm CDT


Congratulations Dr. Umeyama.

Congratulation to Arturo Umeyama for defending successfully his Ph.D presentation. His research is in phased array metrology and calibration will make a huge difference in the PAR deployment.

Posted on  Dec. 09, 2020  9:19 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Nim Ccoillo Ramos now a Ph.D Canditate

Congratulation to Nim for for defending successfully his qualify exam. PAARD team are very proud of your performance.

Posted on  Dec. 09, 2020  9:19 pm CDT

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Today, Nov 14 ARRC UAV team make amazing progress measuring antennas at high wind speed (35-38mph)​. Congrattukations to the all team. Arturo, Tony, Brent, Caleb, Alexis and Jorge


Posted on  Nov.  14, 2020  04:10 pm CDT

Lab. session of 2020 Phased Array Antenna class at OU. Proud of my Lab. session of 2020 Phased Array Antenna class at the University of Oklahoma (OU). In this class, six active phased array antenna modules in S-band were developed by the PAAARD team. Each module has a dual-polarized S-band passive array, T/R modules, beam-former a 2-port VNA, RF probes, RF cables, cal-kit, etc. The students have the opportunity to learn how to measure mutual coupling and calibrate in near-field the array excitation using fundamental concepts learned during class. Later the validate calibration in NF or FF chamber at the RIL.


Posted on Nov. 11, 2020, 04:10 pm CD

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Congratulations to Zeeshan  on this outstanding new publication in IEEE Access. 

Posted on  Nov.  12, 2020  04:10 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Syed on this outstanding new publication in IEEE Access. 

Posted on Nov.  12, 2020. 04:10 pm CDT

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More Congratulations for Arturo .... yeaaah!!!

I would like to congratulate to Arturo Umeyama for the WNI Scholarship award. Arturo is an outstanding graduate student that has demonstrated exceptional potential as a researcher. The technical skills he honed during the past four years have brought significant value to our team.... well deserved award!

Posted on Nov. 12, 2020. 1: 00 am CDT.


Congratulations Arturo for the best Dissertation Award !

ECE/ARRC graduate student Arturo Umeyama has received $5000 Gallogly College of Engineering Dissertation of Excellence Awards. The award recognizes Ph.D. students who have achieved outstanding research results while encouraging them to complete their dissertations with excellence.  Arturo is advised by Dr. Jorge Salazar, and his dissertation is focused on new in-situ UAV instrumentation for phased array radar calibration. Congratulations Artur on this outstanding achievement!.

Posted on  Sep.  21, 2020  10:10 am CDT


Congratulations Arturo for the 2 new Journals

Congratulations to Arturo on this outstanding new publication in IEEE Access. 

Posted on  Sep.  21, 2020  10:10 am CDT

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I am very proud to introduce to Dr. Javier Alejandro Ortiz, a brand new Ph.D. in our antenna and radar community. His research is in  phased array antenna technology addressing a very important challenge for dual-polarized radars. Yesterday, Javier defended successfully his dissertation titled "The Impact of Edge Diffraction in Dual-Polarized Phased Array Antennas." Congratulations Dr. Ortiz, PAARD team will miss you. Good luck with your new job at Raytheon.


Posted on Saturday,  June 16. th , 2020  01:10 pm CDT

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I am very proud to share Kevin Constien defended successfully his MS degree in Electrical Engineering at ECE/OU. His research is in phased array antenna technology addressing a fundamental research for dual-polarized radars.  Congratulations Kevin, PAARD team will miss you. Good luck with your new job at Raytheon.


Posted on Saturday,  July 31st, 2020  03:55 pm CDT


Congratulations to Tom Brachtenbach for great MS-ECE Thesis defense...Tom, PAARD team will miss you a lot ...!!! good luck in Amazon.


Posted on Saturday,  May 2nd, 2020  01:10 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Dr. Rodrigo Lebron Garcia for outstanding Ph.D. made me and the all PAARD team very proud! ... well done Rodrigo. CongratulationS for your new position at METAWAVE 


Posted on Saturday,   March. 21th , 2020  03:12 pm CDT


Congratulations to Horus team (R. Palmer, C. Fulton, J. Salazar, M. Yeary, H. Sigmarsson, R. Kelly, M. Mcord, J. Diaz, J. Meyer, for new Journal publications on the Microwave Journal  


Posted on Saturday,   April. 12th , 2020  02:21 pm CDT

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ARRC/GCoE graduate students Rodrigo Lebron Garcia, and Javier Ortiz have each received $5000 Gallogly College of Engineering Dissertation of Excellence Awards. The award recognizes Ph.D. students who have achieved outstanding research results while encouraging them to complete their dissertations with excellence.  Advised by Dr. Jorge Salazar, Rodrigo’s dissertation centers around techniques and instrumentation for active phased array calibration, and Javier’s dissertation involves the analytical modeling of the effects that diffraction have on phased array antennas with emphasis on the cross-polar patterns. Congratulations to all on this outstanding achievement!

Posted on Friday Feb 21, 2020 04:30 pm CST


Congratulations to Rodrigo and coauthors 

For the new Journal accepted for publications on the IEEE Access.  


Posted on Saturday,   Feb. 22th , 2020  08:51 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Nafati, Nim, Zeeshan, Jorge, and PAARD team!

For the new Journal accepted for publications on the IEEE Access.  


Posted on Saturday,   Feb. 20th , 2020  08:51 pm CDT

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PARRD Ph.D. students received  $5000 College of Engineering Award

Rodrigo Lebron and Javier Ortiz ARRC Ph.D. student candidates received  Gallogly College of Engineering Dissertation Excellence Award. The award is designed to reward Ph.D. students that have achieved outstanding research results and encourage them to complete their dissertations with excellence. Congratulations Rodrigo and Javier PAARD team are very proud of both of you!!!



Posted on Saturday,  Feb. 20th, 2020  1:21 pm CDT


Welcome to Alexis Oblitas and Jesus Roque to PAARD team, both ECE undergraduate students.   


Posted on Saturday,  Jan. 31st, 2020  10:21 pm CDT

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Congratulations Zeeshan, co-autors and PAARD team!

For the new Journal accepted for publications on the IEEE Access.  


Posted on Saturday,  Jan. 24, 2020  12:18 pm CDT

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Congratulations Jorge, co-autors and PAARD team!

For the new Journal accepted for publications on the IEEE Access.  


Posted on Saturday,  Dec 21, 2019  01:10 pm CDT

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Picture with UPAO authorities. From left to right. Dr. Luis Bladimir Urrelo (ECS chair), Dr. Jorge Salazar, Dr. Angel Alanoca (Dean COE), Dr. Martin  Polo Cueva, Dr. Filiberto  Azavache (ECE Chair) and Dr. Marco Trujillo.

Posted on  Dec. 17 th, 2019  10:21 am CDT

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Picture with speakers of the Microwave  Antennas and Sensors Workshop, Arequipa, 10-12 Dec. 2019. From left to right.  Dr. Miguel Holgado (UPM-Spain), ​Dr. Mark Clement (INICTEL-Peru), Daniel Segovia (Univ. Carlos III- Espana),  Dr. Jorge Salazar (OU-US), Alejandro Garcia (Univ. Carlos III- Espana), Dra. Patricia Castillo (IET Chair UCSP Perú), Dra. Ascensión Gallardo, (Univ. Carlos III - España), and Dr. Ebert San Román,  (IET UCSP-Perú)

Posted on  Dec. 13 th, 2019  4:32 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Jorge and the rest of PAARD team for publishing two new peer review papers at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, October 15 – 18, 2019, Waltham, MA USA

Posted on Monday,  Dec. 11, 2018  11: 01 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Javier, Jose and the rest of PAARD team for the two new peer review papers at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, October 15 – 18, 2019, Waltham, MA USA

Posted on Monday,  Dec. 11, 2018  11: 01 pm CDT


Picture with Phased Array Antenna Class 2019 during final project presentation. From left to right, Zeeshan, Syed, Mattew, Nim, Cesar, Jorge, Kyle, Heath, Jakob, Gokhan and Nafati.

Posted on  Dec. 5th, 2019  11:23 pm CDT

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Dr. Félix A. Miranda is the Deputy Chief of the Communications and Intelligent Systems Division at NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland Ohio. His areas of expertise are antenna technology and microwave integrated circuits/devices for space and ground-based communications. Dr. Miranda is a former NASA Administrator’s Fellow, is the recipient of the 2007 NASA Exceptional Service Medal for outstanding technical and managerial leadership in antenna and microwave technologies for space communications, and have received three R&D100 awards for the development of novel antenna technologies

Dr. Felix Miranda  honors the ARRC and OU given a lecture at the Radar Distinguished Radar Lecture Seminar series at the Nov. 8 th, 2019. In this picture, Dr. Miranda with the ARRC Faculty members. Left to rigth, Dr. Yeary, Dr. Salazar, Dr. Miranda, Dr. Palmer, Dr. Mecalf, and Dr. Goodman.

Posted on Sunday,  Nov.08th , 2019  9:31 pm CDT

Congratulations Arturo and PAARD team!


For the new peer-review publications on the 2019 CAMA conference organized by the IEEE MTT/AP-s join chapter hosted at the Bali Indonesia. Oct. 23-25. 2019.


Posted on  Oct. 26, 2019  01:10 pm CDT

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Picture with my research team.  From left to right.  Jesus, Joel, Kevin, Thom, Jorge, Robert, Rodrigo, Nim, Syed, Javier and Arturo. Posted on  July. 23 th, 2019  4:32 pm CDT

Enjoying summer time with Dr. Zoya Popovic and her research group at Boulder University. In this picture Zoya, Andrea (my daughter) and myself.


Posted on Aug.07, 2019  11: 05 am CDT


Welcome Syed Shahan Jehangir!

Syed joined the PAARD team as a PhD student in Aug. 2019. He graduated with an MS degree in 2017 from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, under the supervision of prof. Mohammad S. Sharawi. His MS thesis research work involved designing printed compact high gain and high directional Multiple-input-Multiple Output (MIMO) antennas and miniaturized printed antenna arrays for wireless communication.

Posted on Sept.08, 2019  01: 03 pm CDT


Congratulations Joel Love!

Congratulations to Joel Love for his ECE MS defense on July. 24th, 2019. Joel joined the PAARD team at OU/ARRC on Jan. 2019. Joel's research was focused on anisotropic material characterization.  In this picture Joel and his master committee members, (from left to right) Dr. Bin Bin, Joel Love, his Advisor Dr. Salazar, and Dr. Fulton.

Posted on  July. 29th, 2019  01: 23 pm CDT

Metawave  PAARD/ARRC join press releases

OU Radar Team Helping Develop Radar to Help Autonomous Vehicles.

"...In the heart of any beam-steering radio or radar is its automated phase and amplitude calibration system to precisely aim the main beam at specific angles while suppressing interference from side lobes in all operating conditions. At 77GHz where wavelengths are around 3.8mm such calibrations is extremely challenging.

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So, on 2018 Christmas Eve I contacted Rodrigo M Lebrón (3ed from the right in last row) via LinkedIn who introduced me to Robert Palmer and Jorge Luis Salazar-Cerreno (on my left) and within few months together with Metawave Corporation team the first high-frequency novel scanner was built, tested, and successfully demonstrated using our 77GHz phase controllers and steerable active antennas. This is startups perseverance and leading professors commitment to mm-wave success. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Jorge Luis Salazar-Cerreno and Shoaib Shafi for perfect collaboration and to our brilliant antenna team Safa Salman Taha Yekan Souren S. and RFIC team Raul Alidio Narek Rostomyan, Ph.D. and Lani Bui .. on to demonstrating the first 77GHz analog radar..." by Maha Acour CEO of Metawave Corporation

LinkedIn Post of Maha Acour CEO of Metawave Corporation.

METAWAVE press release

PAARD/ARRC/OU press release


Posted on Saturday,  July 21, 2019  02:30 pm CDT


PAARD and Metawave in the news!!!

OU Radar Team Helping Develop Radar to Help Autonomous Vehicles.

A University of Oklahoma Advanced Radar Research Center team (PAARD) is collaborating with Metawave, a California company, to develop a newly-designed radar that has the potential to serve as one of the most important sensors in the future of the automotive industry. The OU team assisted with the automation of the calibration system used to electronically steer antennas when making critical driving decisions quickly, safely and smoothly.

“Working with Metawave at these high-frequency bands has been a rewarding experience for our team and has benefitted our program, considering our leadership role in phased array radar calibration,” said Robert Palmer, executive director of the Advanced Radar Research Center. “This type of partnership is important, especially when delivering such cutting-edge technology platforms. Together, we are rethinking how a newly- designed radar can truly serve as one of the most important sensors in the future of the automotive industry,” said Palmer.

Metawave Corporation successfully demonstrated the world’s first automated 77 GHz electronically steerable antenna calibration system for realizing dependable and repeatable beamsteering. “This advanced steering will soon play a significant role for automakers wanting to achieve higher safety standards at low cost and power consumption,” said Metawave Chief Operating Officer and founder Maha Achour. “Metawave is delivering a new kind of automotive radar, one that balances complexity between digital and analog.”

The challenges of this project required an uncommon skill set and experience in active phased array antennas. Jorge Salazar, project team leader and professor in the Gallogly College of Engineering, assembled a diverse team of experts in radar design and calibration to enable the acceleration of this project. ARRC contributors for this project were Rodrigo Lebron, Zeeshan Qamar, Kevin Constien, Thomas Brachtenbach and Jonathan Christian.

“Working with antenna designs for very high frequencies is challenging, especially when the concept involves a radar designed to save lives by improving automobile safety,” said Salazar.

A novel millimeter RF scanner was designed, implemented, validated, and tested on an accelerated path to full demonstration. The customized RF scanner enables testing and calibrating an active array in near-field and far-field operation modes.

click below to read the full article 

Posted on Saturday,  July 02, 2019  02:30 pm CDT

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Congrats to Rodrigo!!!

Rodrigo Lebron, Ph.D candidate was selected as an Intern at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Rodrigo is working in a very important  calibration technique of the Airborne Phased Array Radar (APAR).


Posted on Saturday,  July 02, 2019  02:30 pm CDT


Congrats to Javier

Javier Ortiz, PhD candidate was selected as an Intern at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL-NASA).  Javier is working under the supervision of Dr. Sanchez in an important NASA project related to multi-band remote sensing PAR technology


Posted on Saturday,  July 02, 2019  02:30 pm CDT

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Congrats Javier and co-authors...


For the new Journal at the IEEE Transaction in Antennas and Propagation (TAP) Journal. 


Posted on Saturday,  June 20, 2019  01:10 pm CDT


Congratulations Calibration PAARD team!


For developing a state-of the art 9-axis robotic RF scanner for mmWave applications and demonstrate a calibration of an autonomous mmWave radar front end.

Special thanks to Rodrigo, Zeeshan, John, Tom and Kevin for amazing team effort to make this development and calibration feasible in just 3 months. I would like also to thanks Maha and Shoiab (from METAWAVE) for sponsoring this challenging project.

Posted on Saturday,  June 20, 2019  01:10 pm CDT

Congratulations Jose Diaz!


Jose Diaz Diaz received his MS degree in Electrical and Engineering at the schools of Electrical Engineering. Jose is a PhD Candidate and his is moving to a final stage for  his future doctorate degree at OU.

Congratulations Jose!!!

Posted on Saturday,  April. 10, 2019  03:40 pm CDT


Congratulations to Arturo Umeyama!!


Congratulations to Arturo a recent Ph.D. candidate at The University of Oklahoma. Arturo defended successfully his general exam today (May. 1st, 2018).  Arturo and his committee members; Ghanbarnezhad Moghanloo, Robert Palmer, Phill Chillson, Jorge Salazar (Chair) Arturo, Caleb Fulton and Boon Leng Cheong.  Arturo is an active member of PAARD/ARRC research group under the supervision of Dr. Salazar working at the PAARD since Jan. 16, 2017. His research focus is on RF Metrology of dual-polarized PAR using UAV's.

Posted on May. 1st, 2019  10:40 a.m CDT


Dr. Clemente visiting PAARD/ARRC


Dr. Clemente, Research Scientist of INICTEL-UNI visited PAARD/ARRC at The University Oklahoma. In the Picture Mark, Jorge and PAARD research team. 

Posted on Tuesday,  April. 27, 2019  01:02 pm CDT


Dr. Jorge Salazar, Received a Presidential Professorship Award


Dr. Jorge L. Salazar Cerreno, ARRC/ECE Professor at The University of Oklahoma has been awarded a William H. Barkow Presidential Professorship. Presidential Professors inspire their students, mentor their undergraduate and/or graduate students in the process of research and creative scholarly activity within their discipline, and exemplify to their students (both past and present) and to their colleagues (both at OU and within their disciplines nationwide) the ideals of a scholar through their endeavors in teaching; research and creative scholarly activity; and professional and university service and public outreach. Congratulations Jorge!

Posted on Tuesday,  April. 15, 2019  03:40 pm CDT


OU President James Gallogly, Jorge Salazar, and OU Provost Kyle Harper

Predicting Hope

By Jenna Smith

It was the worst rain in decades, delivering more than 10 times the rainfall than normal. The catastrophic rains wreaked havoc and took homes and lives in Jorge Salazar-Cerreno’s native country of Peru.

Salazar-Cerreno, an assistant professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and member of the Advanced Radar Research Center, was heartbroken by the devastation. All he could think about was his family and friends back home who were either homeless or grieving their loved ones. The unusually powerful, heavy rains driven by an El Niño flooded Peru along the Pacific coast, leaving more than 90 people dead and 700,000 homeless and wreaked havoc on the country’s infrastructure. The destruction was exacerbated by flashfloods and mudslides... click below to read the full article.


Posted on Thursday,  March. 28, 2019  11:40 am CDT

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A novel mm-Wave RF Scanner

PAARD Test & Calibration team (Rodrigo,  Zeeshan, John, Chris, Thom and Kevin) have developed a state of the art  9-axis RF mmWave scanner for active array radar system. The fully automated mmWave RF scanner that enables the testing and characterization of antennas and active arrays in addition to electromagnetic tests of materials was developed at the ARRC. This unique instrument provides four modes of operation, a direct far-field (FF) antenna test, an indirect far-field test based on a near-field planar raster scan, an active array characterization and calibration, and electromagnetic material characterization. The design project started in Jan. 19, 2019 and system was validated in March 4th, 2019

Posted on Saturday,  March 23, 2019  11:20 am CDT


2018 ARRC Industry Day 

Posted on Saturday,  March 23, 2019  11:20 am CDT


Welcome to Thom and Kevin as new MS ECE students.  Both joined to the Phased Array Antenna and Research and Development Group (PAARD) in Jan. 2019 to work in antenna EM modeling. 

Posted on Thursday,  Jan. 14, 2019  09:40 am CDT


A new concept for 5G Massive MIMO Base station system at Ka-band

Posted on  Friday,  Jan. 11, 2019  01:23 pm CDT

Welcome to Joel Love and Nim Ccoillo as new MS and PhD ECE students, respectively.  Both joined to the Phased Array Antenna and Research and Development Group (PAARD) in Jan. 2019 to work in antenna EM modeling. 

Posted on Thursday,  Jan. 10, 2019  05:40 pm CDT


Congratulations to Rodrigo, Alessio, and the rest of PAARD team for publishing three new papers at AMTA and CAMA conferences in 2018.

Posted on Monday,  Dec. 11, 2018  11: 01 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Alex Stringer for his ECE MS thesis defense on Dec 05, 2018. Alex joined PAARD team at OU/ARRC on Feb. 2018. Since them he worked very hard to develop a  Novel Instrument and  Method for the Characterization of Anisotropic Materials. In the top Alex with his committee members. From left to right, Dr. Mark Yeary, Alex Stringer, Dr. Salazar, and Dr. Binbin Weng. In the left, a picture of the instrument developed and in the right with his Advisor.

Posted on Friday,  Dec. 7th, 2018  02: 04 pm CDT

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Congratulations to Dr. Alessio Mancini for his ECE PhD defense on Nov. 26th, 2018. Alessio joined the PAARD team at OU/ARRC on Aug 2016. Alessio research was focused on antennas and radomes design for weather radars.  Alessio published 3 Journal papers (2 in JTECH and 1 in IEEE APS transaction). Alessio also contributed two patents with PAARD team.  In this picture Alessio and his doctoral committee members, (from left to right) Dr. Yang Hong, Dr. Sigmarsson, Dr. Zhang, Dr. Yu, Dr. Mancini, and his Advisor Dr. Salazar

Posted on Friday,  Nov. 26th, 2018  01: 23 pm CDT

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PAAARD team implemented a new capabilities to characterize and test isotropic materials in millimiter frequencies (up 100 GHz)

Posted on Monday,  Nov. 02, 2018  1: 42 pm CDT


Congratulations to Alessio Mancini for his new Journal at the IEEE Transaction in Antennas and Propagation. The paper title is "The Impact of a Wet S-Band Radome on a Dual-Polarized Phased-Array Radar System Performance"

Posted on Monday,  Oct. 12, 2018  12: 04 pm CDT

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PAARD had the honor of having the visit of Dr. Hugo Hernandez Professor of the University of Campinas, Brasil. Dr Hernandez is the head of LEMAC (Applied and Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory), and has published 130+ papers in renowned journals, more than 220 international conference papers and 12 patents. He is Co-Editor of the books Localized Waves: Theory and Applications (Wiley and Sons, 2008) and Non-Diffracting Waves (Wiley-VCH, 2013). His research interests concentrate on a wide variety of wave electromagnetic phenomena and applications mainly in integrated photonics, biosensors, nanophotonics, optical fibers, metamaterials, plasmonics, and the design of antennas for a wide range of applications including RFID, IoT, radar and advanced wireless technologies. 

Posted on Monday,  Oct. 04, 2018  08: 30 am CDT


PAARD team congratulates Arturo Umeyama for  passing sucessfully qualification for a PhD Candidate


Congratulation to Alessio Mancini for the

Dissertation Excellence Award 2018 of the Gallogly College of Engineering of the University of Oklahoma. 

Posted on Monday,  Oct. 01, 2018 

08: 30 am CDT

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Dr. Jorge Salazar with ECE students of the Universidad de Ingenieria (UNI) in Peru. 

Posted on Thursday,  July. 26, 2018  06:23 pm CDT

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PAARD team with a former PAARD team member Robert Bains, now a graduate student in Yale University.

Posted on Thursday,  Jun. 26, 2018  03:03 pm CDT

The Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC) at The University of Oklahoma developed an innovated technique for in-situ antenna characterization, and radar calibration using an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). A large multirotor platform was developed for long endurance (∼ 30 minutes), high position precision (< 2 cm), and high stability was integrated with high a precision 3-axis gimbal that holds an antenna array, pulse generator transmitter. The platform was designed to support measurements from 2 GHz to 10 GHz. For more information contact Dr. J. Salazar, Dr. C. Fulton and A. Umayama.  

Posted on Friday,  June. 15, 2018  12:21 pm CDT

Today is my fourth anniversary working at the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC) from the University of Oklahoma. I would like to express special gratitude to Dr. Robert Palmer for letting me become part of this great family and for his great leadership and mentorship. ARRC has always provided me with unconditional support, continuously challenging me, and providing me with excellent mentors that allow me to grow as an individual and academic scholar. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the ARRC leadership, faculty, staff, and students. Without a doubt, ARRC is the best institution I have ever worked at.  Jorge Salazar

Posted on Saturday,  June. 09, 2018  08:21 pm CDT

Welcome to Ethan Coffey, a new intern that joined to the Phased Array Antenna and Research and Development Group (PAARD) in June. 2018. Ethan Coffey is an undergraduate student at the University of Oklahoma, and he is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering. He aims to earn his master’s degree in Computer Engineering with a focus on computer engineering. He enjoys programming, robotics, circuit design, and tinkering with computers.  Posted on Saturday,  June. 09, 2018  05:45 pm CDT

Dr. Jorge Salazar was invited to give a Distinguished Technical Lecture at the NASA Communication and Intelligent System Division on May 24. 2018. In the picture Dr. Dawn Emerson , J. Salazar and Dr. Felix Miranda (Deputy Chief, Communications and Intelligent Systems Division LC at NASA Glenn Research Center. 

Posted on Thursday,  May. 24, 2018  2:30 pm CDT

Our PAARD team with the support of the ARRC Engineers and faculty members patented the novel concept of the RF Scanner. This system enables RF characterization and calibration of  active array antenna systems.

Posted on Thursday,  May. 17, 2018  09:34 pm CDT

Congratulations to Javier Ortiz a recent Ph.D. candidate at the University of Oklahoma. Javier defended successfully his general exam today (May. 1st, 2018).  Javier and his committee members; Alberto Marino, Hjalti Sigmarsoon, Javier Ortiz, Tian Yu, Jorge Salazar (Chair),  and Robert Palmer.  Javier is an active member of  PAARD/ARRC research group under the supervision of Dr. Salazar working at the PAARD since 2015. His research focus is on high performance dual polarized active AESAS's for multifunction radar systems.


Posted on Friday May. 2, 2018  01:35 pm CDT

Simon Duthoit defended successfully his master degree at ECE (May 1st, 2018).  Simon and his committee members; Djordje Mirkovic, Jorge Salazar (Chair), Caleb Fulton and Phillip Chilson.  Simon is an active member of  PAARD/ARRC research group under the supervision of Dr. Salazar working at the PAARD since 2015 in Antenna and Radar Characterization using a UAV platform. .... CONGRATULATIONS SIMON YOU DID A GREAT JOB!!!!

Posted on Friday, May 2th. 2018  01:42 pm CDT

Welcome to Zeeshan Qamar,  a new Fellow Postodoctoral that joined to the Phased Array Antenna and Research and Development Group (PAARD) in April 22. 2018. His research project is related to artificial dielectric material for high performance PAR systems.

Posted on Sunday,  May. 1, 2018  03:04 pm CDT

Congratulations  to  Nafati Aboserwal (Research Associate) for having a new Journal paper accepted at the prestigious IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society (APS). Nafati is working in the PAARD/ARRC research group since 2014. His research focus is on high performance radiating elements for dual-polarized active array antennas.


Posted on Friday May. 5, 2018  07:12 am CDT

Congratulations  to Jose Diaz (PhD Candidate) for having a new Journal paper accepted at the prestigious IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society (APS). Jose is working in PAARD/ARRC research group under supervision of Dr. Salazar. His research focus is on novel antennas and architectures for dual-pol multiband and wideband phased array antennas


Posted on Friday May. 5, 2018  07:12 am CDT

Congratulations  to Alessio Mancini (PhD Candidate) for the two brand new Journal papers published at the prestigious AMS-JTECH Journal. Alessio is working in PAARD/ARRC research group under supervision of Dr. Salazar since 2016.  His research is  focus on RF material characterization, high performance radome design, wet radome radar calibration and antenna design.  Expected graduation date: Dec. 2018


Posted on Friday May. 3, 2018  12:35 pm CDT

Dr. Roger Wakimoto honored the ARRC at OU with the Radar Distinguished Lecture Seminar in April 04, 2018.  In the picture, Igor Ivic, Jorge Salazar (RDLS chair), Roger Wakimoto, Dusan Znnic and David Bodine (RDLS chair).

Posted on Sunday,  April 05, 2018  01:01 pm CDT

Nafati Aboserwal honoring Dr. Constantine Balanis with the Radar Distinguished Lecture Seminar award at the ARRC-OU (Nov. 20th. 2017)


Posted on Sunday,  Nov. 26, 2017  03:04 pm CDT

Dinner at the Benvenuti's (Nov. 20th, 2017) with Richard Doviak, Mark Weber, David Bodine, Jorge Salazar, Nafati Aboserwal, Caleb Fulton, Dusan Zrnic, Constantine Balanis and JR Cruz.


Posted on Sunday,  Nov. 26, 2017  03:04 pm CDT

Dr. Constantine Balanis honor the ARRC and OU given a lecture at the Radar Distinguided Radar Lecture Seminar series at the Nov. 20th, 2017. In this picture, Dr. Balanis with my research team the Array Antenna and Research and Development Group (PAARD).

Posted on Sunday,  Nov. 26, 2017  03:04 pm CDT

Welcome to Alex Stringer as a new MS ECE graduate student.  Alex joined to the Phased Array Antenna and Research and Development Group (PAARD) in Nov. 2017 and his research project is related to PAR systems.

Posted on Sunday,  Nov. 26, 2017  03:04 pm CDT

Congratulations to Rodrigo Lebron, a recent Ph.D. candidate at the University of Oklahoma. Rodrigo defended successfully his general exam today (Oct. 31st, 2017).  Rodrigo and his committee members; Boon Leng, Caleb Fulton, Jorge Salazar (Chair), Tian Yu and Cameron Homeyer.  Rodrigo is an active member of  PAARD research group under the supervision of Dr. Salazar working at the PAARD since 2016 in PAR Near-Field  characterization and calibration.


Posted on Friday Nov. 1, 2017  02:35 pm CDT

Congratulations to Jose Diaz, a recent Ph.D. candidate at the University of Oklahoma. Jose defended successfully his general on Oct. 24th, 2017.  Jose's PhD committee is composed by Robert Palmer, Caleb Fulton, Jorge Salazar (Chair), Halti Sigmarsson and Alberto Marino.  Jose is an active member of PAARD research group under the supervision of Dr. Salazar working at the PAARD since 2015 in PAR high-performance dual-polarized active PAR


Posted on Friday Nov. 1, 2017  02:35 pm CDT

Congratulations to Simon Duthoit, a recent Ph.D. candidate at the University of Oklahoma. Simon did a great job defending his general exam today (May 5th, 2017). Simon and his committee members; Boon Leng, Andrea L'Afflitto, Simon Duthoit, Jorge Salazar, Phil Chilson and Caleb Fulton. Simon is an active member of PAARD research group under the supervision of Dr. Salazar working at the PAARD since 2015 in UAV in-situ radar characterization and calibration.

Posted on Friday May 05, 2017  04:05 pm CDT

Dr. Gabriel Rebeiz honors the ARRC and OU given a lecture at the Radar Distinguished Radar Lecture Seminar series at the Nov. 20th, 2017. In this picture, Dr. Balanis with the Array Antenna and Research and Development Group (PAARD) team.

Posted on Sunday,  May. 2nd, 2017  01:34 pm CDT

All PAARD team with my wife Patricia and a good old friend Pei-Sang Tsai from UMASS and NCAR 

Posted on Thursday,  Feb. 16, 2017  08:04 pm CDT

Welcome to the three new students, Nawaf Almuqati (rigth), Eivy Arroyo (left) and Arturo Umeyama to the Phased Array Antenna and Research and Development Group (PAARD).

Posted on Thursday  Feb 08, 2017  03:04 pm CDT

Congratulations to ARRC Ph.D. student   Arturo Umeyama Matsumoto for defending successfully his general exam. Arturo is working in PAARD research group under supervision of Dr. Salazar in a topic related to UAV antenna measurments and radar calibration.


Posted on Thursday Dec 07, 2016  01:04 pm CDT

Congratulations to ARRC Ph.D. student Alessio Mancini for defending successfully his general exam. Alessio is working in PAARD research group under supervision of Dr. Salazar in material, radome, and antenna design.


Posted on Thursday Dec 07, 2016  01:04 pm CDT

Rodrigo Lebron Garcia wins CoE Student Poster Award at the University of Oklahoma (OU)


Congratulations to ARRC/ECE Ph.D. student Rodrigo Lebron Garcia on winning 1st place in the poster contest at the recently held Engineering Graduate Student Community, Gallogly College of Engineering Fair 2016. Rodrigo's poster, “A Novel Near-Field Robotic Scanner for Surface, RF and Thermal Characterization of Millimeter-Wave Active Phased Array Antenna,” reflects his research in active phased array antenna calibration. Rodrigo works under the supervision of Dr. Jorge L. Salazar-Cerreno.

Posted on Thursday Dec 01, 2016 02:42 pm CST

Jose Diaz Diaz wins 1st Place in IEEE Student Paper Competition

Congratulations to ARRC Ph.D. student Jose Diaz, whose paper, “A Dual-Polarized Stacked Patch Antenna with Wide-Angle and Low Cross-Polarization for Fully Digital Multifunction Phased Array Radars”, won 1st place in the highly competitive student paper competition at the 2016 IEEE Phased Array Conference held recently in Waltham, Massachusetts. Jose works under the supervision of Dr. Jorge Salazar. Congratulations also to Rodrigo Lebron, Javier Ortiz, Daniel Thompson, and Lal Mohan for their nominations as finalists in this competitive contest. 


Posted on Thursday Oct 20, 2016 01:04 pm CDT

Dr. Sandra Cruz Pol honors the ARRC and OU given a lecture at the Radar Distinguished Radar Lecture Seminar series at the Nov. 18th, 2015. In this picture, Dr. Cruz with Jorge Salazar and Dr. Sigmarsoon (DLRS chair)

Posted on Sunday,  Nov. 18th, 2015  01:34 pm CDT

10th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology

1 - 6 July 2018 // NETHERLANDS


The IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS)

10-15 June

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



2018 IEEE Radar Conference  
23-27 April, 2018
Oklahoma City, OK USA 

2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

8-13 July 2018

Boston, Massachusetts


IEEE  Antennas and Propagation Society

Goverment Microcircuit Applications & Critical Technology

Conference (GOMAC Tech)

12- 15 March 2018

Miami FL

European Microwave Week 2018

23-28 September

Madrid Spain


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